Wednesday, 8 August 2012

He's a double fatty!

He's done it!

Niblet has now managed to double his birth weight today - I am so pleased. Things have been hard work recently, but since (thanks to some super feeding overnight) he has managed to gain 4oz. In the preceding four days, he gained 5oz, which makes up for the 5oz he lost the previous week!

I'm really glad that he has gained well.

No more weigh ins?

The health visitor has suggested that we are no longer benefiting from the weekly weigh ins - for most babies, by 43 weeks, they would at most be weighed every couple of months. I agree that he doesn't get any bigger for being weighed, but I worry that we will miss him failing to thrive again if we don't keep measuring him. Am I getting too obsessed with his weight? I suppose it won't matter one jot as no-one does anything in reaction to his weight loses anyway. Maybe if we do monthly, we will just see gradual gain, instead of the standard three week cycle of gain, gain, loss.

Better feeding = a better night?

It will be interesting to see, but Niblet fed better and slept better during the day today. This ties in with our normal cycle, it just seems to take such a long time to come around each time. I am shattered. For the past two weeks, we have been on four or five wake ups per night, and a maximum of an hour's sleep during the day. It's not really enough for me to feel rested and relaxed. I am struggling to get back to sleep after the wake ups too - any ideas?

The health visitor offered to help us with some sleep training if we wanted, but didn't think it was a great idea to try to drop the night feeds until we are more certain what is going on. Thank goodness he at least is a sensible man who listens to mums. Every mum I speak to about him says that, so I am not alone in being glad that I agreed to having a male health visitor.

A frugal supper to finish off

Tonight we had a lovely meal - liver with bacon and onions, with carrots and boiled potatoes. It's one of my favourite meals, and is a cheap one too, as there is often reduced price liver (as no-one else seems to appreciate offal!)

Oh, and to make my day...
The health visitor said that he really liked the chocolate cake, which has got even better today - the flavour has improved a lot since the first day...It's like a ginger cake that just needs time to mellow... yum. There's none left now though!

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